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Beef Cuts

Beef Share Breakdown

RK Cattle Co. 1/2 beef share 

A rough estimate of cuts on half of a beef. This all depends on the beef itself and steak thickness but will give a general idea.

For 1/4 beef share, divide by 2 and for a whole beef share multiply the counts below by 2. 

Chuck roast 2-4Ibs: about 5-6 packages

Brisket: 1 (unless cut in half, then two)

Soup bones: about 5 packages 4 per pack 

Ribeye: can choose all ribeye or prime rib roast 
     All ribeyes: 6 packages; Prime Rib Roast 1 
Short ribs: about 5 packages with 4 per

Skirt steak: about 4 packages

Flank steak: 1 package

T-bone: about 6 packages

Sirloin steak: about 6 packages

Rump roast: 

Sirloin tip roast: 2

Round steak: about 9 unless cubed 

Tri-tip: 1

Stew meat: 6 packages

Ground beef: ~ 75 pounds

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